Day 30 - The New iPod Touch

Day 30 - The New iPod Touch
I finally splurged. I told myself I would an iPod Touch a while ago, but then it turns out that Apple was going to release the new iPod Touch and so I waited. It felt like I waited so long but today I went to Future Shop and they were finally in stock. I bought the 32gb one and I'll probably be taking advantage of the camera and using it for this project 365 every once in a while. I think my wallet is hurting a little bit but it will recover in time.

It's been a month! I have successfully taken a photo everyday for a month. I have quite enjoyed it and I hope that I can keep up the rest of the year. I'm kind of running out of things to take a photo of in my room. My room has been kind of turned upside down though. As you can see from this photo my desk could really use a clean up.

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